WPF StackPanel

WPF StackPanel


The StackPanel in WPF is a simple and useful layout panel. It stacks its child elements below or beside each other, dependening on its orientation. This is very useful to create any kinds of lists. All WPF ItemsControls like ComboBox,ListBox or Menu use a StackPanel as their internal layout panel.
  <TextBlock Margin="10" FontSize="20">How do you like your coffee?</TextBlock>
  <Button Margin="10">Black</Button>
  <Button Margin="10">With milk</Button>
  <Button Margin="10">Latte machiato</Button>
  <Button Margin="10">Chappuchino</Button>

Stack Items horizontally

A good example for a horizontal stack panel are the "OK" and "Cancel" buttons of a dialog window. Because the size of the text can change if the user changes the font-size or switches the language we should avoid fixed sized buttons. The stack panel aligns the two buttons depending on their desired size. If they need more space they will get it automatically. Never mess again with too small or too large buttons.

<StackPanel Margin="8" Orientation="Horizontal">            
   <Button MinWidth="93">OK</Button>
   <Button MinWidth="93" Margin="10,0,0,0">Cancel</Button>
