MVC Interview Question and Answers.

Objective Interview Questions on ASP.NET MVC

Question 1: What does MVC stand for>

Answer: Model-View-Controller.

Question 2: What are three main components or aspects of MVC?

Answer: Model-View-Controller

Question 3: Which namespace is used for ASP.NET MVC? Or which assembly is used to define the MVC framework?
Answer: System.Web.Mvc

Question 4: What is the default view engine in ASP.NET MVC?
Answer: Web Form(ASPX) and Razor View Engine.

Question 5: Can we remove the default View Engine?
Answer: Yes, by using the following code:

  1. protected void Application_Start()  
  2. {  
  3.       ViewEngines.Engines.Clear();  
Question 6: Can we have a Custom View Engine?
Answer: Yes, by implementing the IViewEngine interface or by inheriting from the VirtualPathProviderViewEngine abstract class.

Question 7: Can we use a third-party View Engine?
Answer: Yes, ASP.NET MVC can have Spark, NHaml, NDjango, Hasic, Brail, Bellevue, Sharp Tiles, String Template, Wing Beats, SharpDOM and so on third-party View Engine.

Question 8: What are View Engines?
Answer: View Engines are responsible for rendering the HTML from your views to the browser.

Question 9: What is Razor Engine?
Answer: The Razor view engine is an advanced view engine from Microsoft, packaged with MVC 3. Razor uses an @ character instead of aspx's <% %> and Razor does not require you to explicitly close the code-block.

Question 10: What is scaffolding?
Answer: Quickly generating a basic outline of your software that you can then edit and customize.

Question 11: What is the name of Nuget scaffolding package for ASP.NET MVC3 scaffolding?
Answer: MvcScaffolding

Question 12: Can we share a view across multiple controllers?
Answer: Yes, it is possible to share a view across multiple controllers by putting a view into the shared folder.

Question 13: What is unit testing?
Answer: The testing of every smallest testable block of code in an automated manner. Automation makes things more accurate, faster and reusable.

Question 14: Is unit testing of MVC application possible without running the controller?
Answer: Yes, by the preceding definition.

Question 15: Can you change the action method name?
Answer: Yes, we can change the action method name using the ActionName attribute. Now the action method will be called by the name defined by the ActionName attribute.
  1. [ActionName("DoAction")]  
  2. public ActionResult DoSomething()  
  3. {  
  4.       /TODO:  
  5.       return View();  
  6. }  
Question 16: How to prevent a controller method from being accessed by an URL?
Answer: By making the method private or protected but sometimes we need to keep this method public. This is where the NonAction attribute is relevant.

Question 17: What are the features of MVC5?
  • Scaffolding
  • ASP.NET Identity
  • One ASP.NET
  • Bootstrap
  • Attribute Routing
  • Filter Overrides
Question 18: What are the various types of filters in an ASP.NET MVC application?
  • Authorization filters
  • Action filters
  • Result filters
  • Exception filters
Question 19: If there is no match in the route table for the incoming request's URL, which error will result?
Answer: 404 HTTP status code

Question 20: How to enable Attribute Routing?
Answer: By adding a Routes.MapMvcAttributeRoutes() method to the RegisterRoutes() method of the RouteConfig.cs file.
